Brandy's Braces, SARPE, Jaw Surgery Journal

This is my daily journal to my eventual perfect smile and Apnea free life. It logs my surgeries, and daily progress.

Thursday, January 08, 2009 is an udated photo at Mary's request. Taken today January 7th, 2009 
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  • At 3:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Brandy:
    You look fabulous!!!! Out of curiosity did you have a sleep study after your jaw advancement surgery? If you did, by what amount did your surgery lower your RDI? I am in my 40s, preparing for the MMA/GA for late Spring/early summer, and worried sick ( re:the impact of surgery on my facial appearance) about the 12mm upper and lower jaw advancement my surgeon is proposing. Am on round 3 of braces (had removable expander in my teens, weight loss surgery 5 yrs ago, and nasal surgery 3-4yrs ago). Am using the bipap and am hoping the surgery will free me once and for all from this life saving illness. Have made my decision to pursue the surgery, but boy, there are days, I am quite worried about taking the plunge; would really appreciate the opportunity to connect with jaw surgery survivors/thrivers like yourself. Living in No. California, and am at serious risk for jaw surgery blog addiction. Brandy, thank you for generously sharing your journey through your blog.

  • At 10:10 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Look great!
    Its been 5 months since my surgery!
    I can't wait until my teeth are as straight as yours!

  • At 4:30 AM, Anonymous Whiten Teeth said…

    Really your are looking nice.I like your hair style.

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