Day 47/ Super Sensitive Teeth!
Today has been much the same as the past few days. Not sure if it is due to nerve regeneration or what but my top incisors have been super sensitive. I hit one with a straw today and almost went through the roof. Brushing my teeth is also pretty hard as it just hurts to put any pressure on them. My eye teeth are also sore from using the rubberbands on them at night to hold my jaw forward. As if all of this wasn't enough, my lower incisors are also killing me and I'm really hating the way they look right now. I have big spaces on each side of the one they pulled forward and it seems like my incisors are pushing outward, like buck teeth but on the bottom. If that makes any sense?? I just want the spaces to close and for them to come in a little. Personally I think the ortho put this giant wire on my teeth to keep them from going anywhere so I can wear my rubberbands, but I don't think they are moving my teeth at all,just stabilizing them. I think they are going to need a powerchain to bring them back together, and you folks know how I feel about those things! LOL... Right now I would be thrilled to wear one though if it meant getting rid of these spaces!
My gap seems to be getting smaller, and I will post a new 4 week post expansion pic tomorrow. I counted on the calendar today and I have 34 days til this RPE comes out! Four and a half weeks! Man that seem like such a long time!
We have been incredibly busy trying to get our house ready to show so we can sell it. Basically I'm working from dawn til dusk. It is sorta good as it keeps me busy so I don't have time to focus on my sore teeth as much, as well as this irritation from this appliance. Hopefully with all that is going on 4.5 weeks will fly by!
My gap seems to be getting smaller, and I will post a new 4 week post expansion pic tomorrow. I counted on the calendar today and I have 34 days til this RPE comes out! Four and a half weeks! Man that seem like such a long time!
We have been incredibly busy trying to get our house ready to show so we can sell it. Basically I'm working from dawn til dusk. It is sorta good as it keeps me busy so I don't have time to focus on my sore teeth as much, as well as this irritation from this appliance. Hopefully with all that is going on 4.5 weeks will fly by!
At 5:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
Brandy, I just browsed through your recent blog entries and wanted to say it's a HUGE favor you're doing to people getting ready for SARPE! I wish there had been a blog like yours when I was looking for information about it almost 2 years ago - you absolutely would have been my hero number one! OK, I consider you a SARPE hero anyway, thanks to what you're doing :) Not much longer now until the Evil Device is off - hang in there and keep up the spirits!
Love, Joplin from the MMMBoard
At 2:07 PM,
Brandyleigh35 said…
Hey Joplin,
Glad you thought it was helpful. That is entirely why I decided to do this, as I couldn't find much online about it and I wanted pics! I wanted to know exactly what was going to be done to me and how!
The worst is over at this point (well at least until my lower jaw surgery) but hopefully it will be a lifesaver for others like you and I who had to be brave and go under the knife wondering what to expect. :)
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