Brandy's Braces, SARPE, Jaw Surgery Journal

This is my daily journal to my eventual perfect smile and Apnea free life. It logs my surgeries, and daily progress.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Health back to Normal - Knock on Wood

Well I decided to post this pic as finally I don't look like a ghost anymore! No more pale white skin, no more dark circles or allergy shiners under my eyes, and even a bit of color in my cheeks! I'm almost afraid to say this (don't want to jinx it) but I seem to be back to normal! I'm talking about my health of course, no more issue with my sinuses so that is a huge deal!

I think the surgery has been a great help, but also I think the allergy shots have been helping me immensly too. It was tough at first, I think because my immune system was a bit compromised already with the surgery and then the shots were wearing me out too, BUT NOW things are truly better. I noticed it the most the other day when I was cleaning house. Normally dust and dust mites really bother me. I get really stuffed up and feel crappy. Well yesterday I was cleaning and nothing happened. I mean I dusted, organized, cleaned out my drawers and closet too, and nothing. No sneezing, no stuffy nose, no sinus headache.....I mean I felt totally normal. It was AWESOME!

I still have a couple more months of shots to go, but so far things have been going really well and the best part is that my sinus infection is finally gone! Hopefully for a really long time or even forever! Oh....and sleep is amazing too! Now I sleep, and can breathe really well too. Life is truly great! At least for today!
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  • At 8:13 AM, Blogger Mrs. Shanton said…

    You're gorgeous, ma'am!

  • At 5:25 PM, Blogger Michelle said…

    Glad to hear you are feeling good, that is the best picture of you yet! You look really really happy!

  • At 6:32 AM, Blogger Mary said…

    Hey Brandie, you look so amazing. I keep meaning to ask you how far was your advancement, it looks perfect to me. I actually wish mine had been a little more. And I so admire how you come through all these surgeries. I had my implants yesterday and I'm about as swollen as I was after the BSSO! M

  • At 12:14 PM, Blogger Brandyleigh35 said…

    Hey Mary,
    My advancement total was 12mm from chinpoint.
    3mm on top, 4mm on bottom, and 5mm for my genio.

    Thanks for the compliment, I'm very happy with the results also. My OS is very skilled at what he does!

    I think you look wonderful as well though! Doesn't look like it needs to me a bit more to me!

  • At 8:15 PM, Blogger Kristy Eng said…

    wow you are lookin so great, very colourful and young!

  • At 6:50 AM, Blogger Michelle said…

    I agree with Michelle, the best picture yet. You just look so relaxed and happy. Your coloring is perfect.
    I can't wait!! I want such amazing results too.
    My next surgery is in 8 weeks. I'm going to check out your vitamin regimen, I want to be really healthy and strong going into this.

  • At 6:41 PM, Blogger Graham said…

    Ditto Brandy, fantastic photo!


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